A nested case–control (NCC) study is a variation of a case–control study in which cases and controls are drawn from the population in a fully enumerated cohort. [1] Usually, the exposure of interest ...
Borgan, Ørnulf and Keogh, Ruth 2015. Nested case–control studies: should one break the matching?. Lifetime Data Analysis, Vol. 21, Issue. 4, p. 517. Cox, David R ...
Pneumococcal vaccination may reduce the risk for pneumonia-related morbidity and mortality among patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases.
This information is key to identifying means to improve treatment and quality of care. Methods/analysis This is a UK-wide case–control study of ICH nested within a 4-year prospective surveillance ...
Introduction Nested case-control studies are classically used in epidemiology to reduce time and cost for data collection while minimising bias induced by sample size reduction. However, if the ...
The authors conducted a nationwide case–control study nested within a cohort of 18 551 female military employees born in 1929–1968 to investigate the risk for breast cancer after night shift work and ...
1 Therefore further gains in the control of ischaemic heart disease will require concerted ... and descriptive epidemiological studies and test these hypotheses in prospective studies and, where ...
A new study has suggested that damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract from conditions such as reflux, peptic ulcers, and ...
Design A nested case–control study. Setting A health insurance claims database constructed by the Japan Medical Data Center. Participants Patients were eligible if they were prescribed a PPI, NSAID ...
Inflammation and depression may be causally linked, as systemic low-grade inflammation appears to increase psychiatric disorder risk.
The role of metformin and statins in the incidence of epithelial ovarian cancer in type 2 diabetes: a cohort and nested case–control study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, ...