A judge says an ob/gyn should face a $10,000 fine for violating a Florida law requiring a waiting period before abortions.
The best way to approach health care is social prescribing, coupled with traditional medicine, according to author Julia Hotz ...
When doctors chat with patients eye to eye, it’s not just about creating rapport. Certain facial traits may reveal vital ...
Soccer-mad Brazilians have fallen hard for online sports betting, yielding a boom of interest from foreign gambling companies ...
The Mustangs, who compete in the eight-man division, had only nine healthy players when a game against Telstar was stopped in ...
Mississippi consistently ranks in the top five in the nation for its rates of antipsychotic drugging in nursing homes.
"It is considered more painful than fibromyalgia or giving birth — even more painful than amputating a finger without ...
World Patient Safety Day provides an occasion to spread awareness of the medication errors that can result from products that ...
Two new drugs, the first capable of slowing down the debilitating progression of Alzheimer's disease, have become embroiled ...
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